"Remembrances - Berrox"  

This quest is initiated by reading the book, "Remembrances - Berrox". This book is a chest-drop from random monsters in The Obelisk of Lost Souls. See the book's page for a list of monsters known to drop this book.

You are tasked to kill groups of monsters (listed below). After each step you must read the book again to receive the next task.

After the last step, read the book a final time to complete the quest. The reward is a furniture version of the book, Remembrances - Berrox.

The complete text of this book can be read here at The Athenaeum.


  1. Kill 10 shadowed creatures
  2. Kill 10 shadowed creatures
  3. Kill 10 shadowed creatures
  4. Kill 10 soulless zombies
  5. Kill 10 soulless zombies
  6. Kill 10 soulless zombies
  7. Kill 10 evil eyes
  8. Kill 10 evil eyes
  9. Kill 10 evil eyes

Note: Though this quest only rewards EXP & AA, if you visit the Mage Guild in either South Qeynos or North Freeport, the Sage that sells book quests will have a Book that you can purchase for 1cp for your house.

Shadowed Men
Quest Series

ZAM credits this article at EQ2 Wikia for some of the info in this article.
Licensed under the GFDL.

Other Resources: EQ2i Human-Readable Link: http://eq2.zam.com/wiki/EQ2_Quest:"Remembrances_-_Berrox"
This page last modified 2010-04-20 20:22:07.